Transgender, or Transsexual?

Not to be confused

There seems to be a lot of confusion around the appropriateness and usage of the words “transgender” and “transsexual”, and many people use them interchangeably. In modern times the words have distinct differences and connotations to those within the community. The term transsexual first came into use early in the 20th century to refer to those that either had or desired medical transition from one sex to another. Towards the end of the century the term transgender gained more usage and became the preferred terminology by most. 

In modern day, transsexual is typically used to mean someone that wants to undergo physical transition, typically through hormone therapy and/or surgery. Transgender is an umbrella term, used to refer to those that identify with a gender other than the one assigned to them at birth, under which transsexual falls. Transsexual has mostly fallen out of favor, though it is still used by some to self-identify (mostly those that subscribe to transmedicalist beliefs). 

When unsure which term to use for someone, it is best to ask. If asking is not possible, transgender is the best term to use since it doesn’t carry certain connotations, and transsexual is a subset. Keep in mind that some are averse to being referred to as one or the other, or even both. Some prefer to only be referred to as their identified gender. Please be mindful of each person’s preferences when speaking about them to respect their wishes.